Thursday, August 7, 2008

.. i'm not selling other than HP & SUN ..

One of my client ask me about WXYZ servers. I said to him, "I have difficulties in selling WXYZ servers because I have difficulties in getting contact with the distributor and when I do, I shall have difficulties getting the pricing on time because WXYZ releases the pricing on the morning of submission day. When I get hold of everything from the distributor, its 9:30am and I need to re-compile the whole tender. And it's 3 hours before submission time!"

I continue, "You can sought the WXYZ pricing from other system integrators. Not me."

I never had this kind of problems with HP & SUN and their distributors for the past 13 years that I've worked with. They releases the bill of material (BOM), tender technical schedule, brochures and pricing AT LEAST one day before submission date. I can compile the tender document a day before and wake up the next morning, dancing to the tender submission office.

Life should be fun.

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