Sunday, January 13, 2008

.. business ..

If you have the thoughts on starting business in 2008,
i'm recommending you to sell sugar, flour, cooking oil and cctv!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

.. wishful thinking ..

I really hope that one day, some genius scientist would discover an instance that is fire-proof, grafitti-proof, sticker-proof and chewing-gum proof and that instance can be use to build telephone booth and bus stop. may the booth and bus stop look nicer and beautiful everyday.

Then i shall wish for public toilet.

Friday, January 4, 2008

.. brand new sticker ..

A friend of mine, Chong bought a new car recently. He is proud and happy of it. You can see it on his face. The satisfaction of a brand new car owner.

But that only last for a few months. Then problem start to kicks in. Suddently he realized, he had difficulties to change gear from 2 to 3 and vice-versa. So Chong thought he should get the automatic transmission instead. The problems didn't stop there. Chong started mumbling about the vibration of the car and the loud noises from the engine. And then his power window cable snapped. A few times.

"I told you, don't buy your car from that manufacturer. I had the same problem before!"

"Mine is still in good condition what", Kareem bought the same model as Chong, a few years earlier.

"I think it depends on luck 'lah'. Mine was ok too."

"Or the way you drive, maybe", someone added.

There were too many complaints that I heard and much more from the internet. People thought 'they' might listen and improve, nevertheless, this has also failed. Well, in that case, they should stick a few stickers next to the 'Quality Approved' label. 'Good Luck!' or 'Fragile! Handle With Care' would be perfecto.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

.. burn some fat ..

And so they say, exercise is good for health, that it refreshes our minds and gives us more energy. But getting motivated to actually do some exercise, is always tough.

Experts says, people that spend most of their working time sitting down and staring at a computer screen all day, need a different approach of exercising. They need to do some walking in the office to get their bodies moving such as leaving the desk for a glass of water, listen to a music and tap their foot, a few stretches and standing up from the chair or even walking to another room for a few minutes chat.

As for me, the only walk I do everyday is "to the car" and "from the car". Well it doesn't prepare me to run a marathon, but at least I move my body and burn some fat, i hope.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

.. fear factor ..

I can't really remember when was the last time I took a taxi in Kuala Lumpur, but I guess about 10 years back. I took taxi to the office everyday. I didn't know how to drive back then neither thinking of driving a car. With my salary, I could buy myself a diahatsu. I've tried once sitting behind the steering-wheel. And was sweating all over. Then I'm back to taxi and it's been going on for about 6 years, until I met Mulan.

"If you don't want to learn how to drive, let's break off!", she sounded serious.

"Ok! Ok! I will..."

It's like do or die kinda thing.

"Don't waste your salary on cabs anymore", I can still remember her advice.

That is an example of what love can do to you. With love you can face anything and in my case, I faced the fear of driving and obtained my driving license 2 months later. If I didn't take up the challenge, I might remain sitting in the passenger seat watching the taxi meter running, ringgit by ringgit. Alone or with someone else. Hahaha.